GT Sectra
Family overview
- GT Sectra
- Book Italic
- Regular Italic
- Medium Italic
- Bold Italic
- Black Italic
- Fine
- Book Italic
- Regular Italic
- Medium Italic
- Bold Italic
- Black Italic
- Display
- Light Italic
- Regular Italic
- Medium Italic
- Bold Italic
- Super Italic
- BookGordon Ramsay sex dwarf eaten by badger
- Book ItalicΤο Βήμα τον Οκτώβριο του 2014, είχε κυκλοφορία 84,035 φύλλα.
- RegularO Globo é um jornal diário de notícias brasileiro, fundado em 29 de julho de 1925 e sediado no Rio de Janeiro. Está orientado para o público da Região Metropolitana do Rio de Janeiro e Rio de Janeiro.
- Regular ItalicGordon Ramsay sex dwarf eaten by badger
- MediumDagbladet Politiken er en dansk avis, der udgives af JP/Politikens Hus. Avisen udkommer i 97.820 eksemplarer mandag-lørdag og 120.411 på søndage. Læsertallet er 375.000 på hverdage og 479.000 på søndage.
- Medium ItalicUSA Today, Nationwide, 1,674,306 Readers, Gannett Company
- BoldThe Denver Post, Denver, Colorado, 416,676 Readers, Digital First Media
- Bold ItalicWoman in sumo wrestler suit assaults ex-girlfriend who waved at man dressed as Snickers bar
- BlackOompa Loompa showed me his Willy Wonka
- Black ItalicThe News Chronicle: “Hitler Dead”, 2nd May 1945
- Settings
Typeface information
GT Sectra is a contemporary serif typeface combining the calligraphy of the broad nib pen with the sharpness of the scalpel knive. It was originally designed for use in the long-form journalism magazine “Reportagen” and now expanded to its three subfamilies: GT Sectra, GT Sectra Fine, and GT Sectra Display.
Typeface features
OpenType features enable smart typography. You can use these features in most Desktop applications, on the web, and in your mobile apps. Each typeface contains different features. Below are the most important features included in GT Sectra’s fonts:
- SS01
- Compact descenders
- SS03
- Alternate arrows
- Small Caps
Rue Rivoli
- Lining figures
Typeface Story

- Visit the GT Sectra minisite to discover more about the typeface family’s history and design concept.
GT Sectra in use